Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What LIFE is....

LIFE...... the crazy, fun and exciting road of SICKNESS. Yes, SICKNESS that is where we have found ourselves since Nov. At least one member of the household has been sick from to Nov. to current. We have seen more doctors, insta cares, emergency rooms and hospitals than anyone would like. From the constant ear infection that our Wild Man has had well from the day he was born pretty much to lots and lots of snot from everyone and then there was the great flu-cold we all took a turn with to Dad getting bronchitis to Mr. Football getting a an infection in his saliva gland requiring meds and plenty of Sour War heads to clear the spit out. Never thought a doc would tell you give your child sour candy!?!?!? Then more ear infections and a great infection on the bottom gum of Wild Man to Mom getting her gall bladder removed (a little side note: when you are experiencing horrible stomach pains that goes around to your back and up between your shoulder blades and everything you it makes it worse, listen to your husband and see the doc. 7 quarter sized gall stones later and plenty of small ones, wish I would have listened to him last year) getting my gall bladder out gave me a 150% turn around; i feel amazing! Then Mom got strep throat and what do ya know Mr. Football gets strep throat. After 4 1/2 months of constant sickness, lysol being sprayed over and over around the house, you finally get to a day where you realize no one is on an antibiotic, no one!!! You feel an odd smile creeping up on your face, thinking what a funny thing to be excited about but this is exciting then what happends.................. Molly, the little faithful family companion wants to have her turn, yes that is right our dog was feeling left out so last night she had to have surgery to open an infection she has on her back, they tell you it could have been from a cat, or a spider bite or something that poked into her. Okay, great! Thanks Molly for ruining the moment.. Now, where are you Spring because seriously we can't take another anitbiotic, hospital, doctors office or BILL!!!!
LIFE is also changes. My calling as Young Women's president saddly came to an end about 4 weeks ago. I cried so hard you would have thought something terrible happend, well in a way it did. How do you go from devoting your life to amazing girls, who are now part of your family to just a friend? It has been a hard transition and yes I know we can forever be in each others lifes but it is hard, they are in great hands, my friend Amy who was my counselor is now the pres and she will be awesome but I was sad to let it go. Change is good though and I now look forward to my new calling I just recieved as 2nd counselor in the Relief Society. It will also be a great place to serve and I can get to know all the women I don't know who moved in while I was down the hall in the land of girls. We have also moved from Basketball to Baseball for Mr. Football and we look forward to a fun season, now of course this is just a way to pass the time until Fall arrives and Football is in full force. Our cheerleader is still cheering away! She is nearing the end of kindergarten and so looking forward to 2 recesses a day and lunch at school. Wild Man is still wild, he finds a way to reach the dog food, why is it a good treat??? I will never know. He climbs everything and destroys everything. A little tornado with the cutest smile you have ever seen!! He is for sure a highlite of every day. Never a boring moment with him.
Any way, one thing I should and will work on- more posts so they can be shorter in length!!


  1. Hey Angela, I was wondering when you would be updating your blog! I added you to my list! RS huh? Great! Good for you! You will be great!

  2. Hey - it is great to see you blogging again!!! I like staying updated on your family!!! I have heard that you were all sick - that is not good. I am glad to hear that all of you are on the mend!!!

  3. I'm sorry you were all so sick! What a bummer. I hope all the sickness is coming to an end. You will be great in your new calling! :)

  4. Yay! She's back! I am so glad you have started up a new blog. I love reading about everything that is going on. I'm so happy things are starting to look on the healthy side. Keep it up!!
