Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thursday's thought

Here we are on another Thurday and what does that mean............................................. you got it! My thought that belongs to Thursday and remember these are just my feelings and that is that. Today I had that most looked forward appointment of the year, you know the one where you pay way to much money to sit there for way to long to go into the room and there sit naked for way to long just to have your doctor stare at your naked body!! I will say though for not being the most looked forward thing to do IT IS A MUST!!! If you haven't had an exam with your doctor this year GET IT DONE!!! It is so worth making sure all is good. Alright so I had my turn today and now I can check that off the list and know that for at least another year only the Johnson dad will be seeing me naked. (Knock on wood to keep me safe from any injury) I for the first time left all 3 kids, yes including Wild Man with a teenage babysitter. A little nervous for me but to her, we will call her babysitter, to our babysitter THANKYOU!!! It all went well and Wild Man didn't even cry. Wish the babysitter could be in the nursery at church. Okay back to my appointment. I get there ON TIME, fill out paper work for new insurance and start the wait. I glance over magazines, no interest in the pregnancy ones, no can't speak spanish so no interest into the spanish ones and finally find 2 I can look through. 45 minutes into my wait the door opens and in walks a pregnant teenage girl. She is young, dressed in very fancy maternity clothing, wearing a pair of fancy high heeled sandals, toes painted, flowers applied and little diamonds on them, finger nails look the same. In hand is boyfriend also dressed in the best and wearing way to much cologne. Makes me wonder either he is hiding a not so great smell or thinks he smells good that way. She approaches the counter and what do ya know the women behind the counter know her by name. They don't look as cheery as they did a moment ago. Then conversation goes like this: Office lady " Your over an hour late" Pregnant girl " We tried to get here on time" Office lady "I will have to see if we can fit you in but this will be the last time, you must come at your scheduled appointment" Boyfriend "We tried but the bus was slow" WHAT!?!?!?!?!? The bus follows the same schedule everyday so maybe you should take one that leaves sooner. I am also wondering are you going to take the bus when she goes into labor. Office lady "Do you have your paper work with you this time" Pregnant girl "I have this" and then pulls out of her fancy little purse a folded up piece of paper. Looked like a little folded note that she would pass to a friend in the hall at school. The office lady unfolds it and smooths it out. Office lady "This is not right, this is the same thing you brought last time. We need your paperwork from Baby your baby and Medicaid" Pregnant girl " Can you call my mom and tell her because I don't know which paper that is." Office lady after big sigh "Let me go call this number, pointing to the paper she is holding and make sure we can still see you today, you must bring the papers to your next appointment or we will not see you again until you do. She leaves the counter and the girl and boyfriend sit down. Both pull out those fancy i touch cell phones. He seems to be texting and I think she is on the internet. About 10 minutes later the office lady returns and says the doctor will see you today but this is the last time we will see you late or without your paperwork. WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??! And what about that sign that says if your more than 15 minutes late you will be asked to resschedule and you will be billed?????? So here is how I see it: when your a pregnant teenager, you get to wear high end maternity clothing, get your toes and fingernails fake nailed, painted, flowered, and diamond all up, carry a fancy little hand bag, drag around your dumb boyfriend, get on the internet with your fancy cell phone, show up an hour late for your appt and still be seen and IT IS ALL PAID FOR by us the tax payers. Now maybe you are saying shame on you Johnson mom for thinking like that and maybe shame on me but this is how I see it. I know of family's that use those state programs that truly do deserve it and I don't mind my taxes going to pay for them. But , all 3 pregnancies I wore my 3 wal mart maternity shirts over and over and over and when I got so big with Wild Man they didn't cover my whole belly, I would stretch them just to make them fit. I don't have money to get my nails painted let alone fake nails on with flowers and diamonds and the cell phone!!!!! What about that, I don't know about you but I have the most basic of basic but when your a pregnant teenager you can have top of the line. Guaranteed if I would have been late I would be paying for being late and paying for the rescheduled date. Our System really sucks!!!! I got to pay to sit there all day while she waltzed in and was seen for FREE! Wild Man is 19 months old and I am still paying for having him. My note to the Johnson: We did it all wrong, to bad we didn't know each other in high school cause we could be stupid high schoolers who can't get on the bus early enough, can't remember to bring some very important papers but hey we could look really good while we were pregnant. The best part of it is the government will pay for. Kind of Scary to think they are going to be parents. Hope they don't forget to feed the baby.


  1. I love your Thursday Thoughts, keep them coming! It's good to see what you guys are up to! Hope to see you over Labor Day up at Strawberry! I think we'll be tenting it too!

  2. You're so right. It really doesn't seem at all fair. They should be held accountable just like everyone else. I too have seen the 15 min. late sign, & I have to admit it has always scared me. To the point of being 15 min. early! I guess now I know better. Thanks for the reminder on the "dreaded" appointment. I'll be sure & call my doc.

  3. I totally agree with you. Us, who work in the medical field see a lot of people who don't deserve to have Medicaid. I think medicaid should have a rule where they'll only cover one pregnancy or something like that, maybe that way people would stop taking advantage of it. The only people who should be covered by Medicaid are those who truly need help. ... :/

  4. You are so right! It frustrates me when people take advantage of the government programs! I'm totally with ya and would have been mad to see that too.
